03 23 2021

Osma Harvilahti

I found the chain feature of the necklace really inspiring as moving just one link to a direction or another completely changes the nature and composition of the whole necklace. With this, it came to my mind that I should try to illustrate this moody feature through various photographs of face like compositions. Also, I find the contrast between something playful and mundane, and luxurious interesting. The imagery seen in the context of jewellery is often quite subtle and sterile, even though these jewellery is made for use and experienced in everyday life situations.


Living in this current situation requires us to try and develop softness towards each other and ourselves. I feel as long as our goal is to try and learn from it, to create compassion, and pursue solving problems, we’re good. And we might come out of this even wiser and stronger. Staying positive and optimistic is a powerful tool to tackle whatever struggles lie ahead.