08 04 2022

London, UK
Simone Gooch

Most mornings I wake around 3 AM to go to the market. I like to get there as it opens at 4 AM, so I have the first selection. I am usually back in my studio by 5:30 AM.


This time in the morning, after I have done the flower buying and before most people wake, is my favorite time of the day. It is very peaceful and the energy is calm. I usually prepare some tea to drink while I process and condition the flowers and place them into water.


Very occasionally, if the time allows, I will make small, quick ‘freestyle’ arrangements with some of the materials I have just sourced. I sometimes make a photographic study, and then take it apart. I feel it is important to make these compositions that are not restricted to a brief, a budget, or a specific purpose, and without an audience. An important aspect of the evolution of my work.